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金椿 金花小菓 茶花籽油 商品名稱:精選金花小菓~茶花籽油(高樹小籽)    Extra Virgin Camellia Tenuifolia Oil 成份:小菓種油茶果實天然壓榨而成 商品內容(中文):油色青綠如翡翠,富含天然葉綠素、茶多酚、α-生育醇及高單元不飽和脂肪酸80%以上,是最天然的抗氧化劑。有助中高齡人士養生需求,調整體質,是胃弱者「食補」良品。可直接生飲、也可以直接塗抹皮膚及頭髮。 商品內容(英文):This jade green oil, the most natural antioxidant, is full of chlorophyll, Tea Polyphenols (TP) and α-Fertility alcohol. Its Mono Unsaturated Fatty Acid(MUFA)is more than 80%. It fits health needs of the elderly and good for people who has a weak stomach. You can drink directly or smear on skin and hair. 保存方法:避免陽光直射或放置爐邊。本產品如有沉澱或雲霧狀屬於自然現象,敬請安心使用。 用途(中文):適於生飲養身、沙拉沾食、藥膳滋補 用途(英文):Suitable for drink directly, mixing salads or medicated diet. 營養標示 Nutrition Labeling 每100毫升(per 100ml) 熱量/Calories 900大卡/Kcal 蛋白質/Protein 0公克/g 脂肪/Fat 100公克/g 飽和脂肪/Saturated Fat 10.3公克/g 反式脂肪/Trans Fat 0公克/g 碳水化合物/Carbohydrate 0公克/g 鈉/Sodium 0毫克/mg 糖/Sugar 0公克/g 單元不飽和脂肪酸/Mono Unsaturated Fatty Acid 81.2公克/g 多元不飽和脂肪酸/Poly Unsaturated Fatty Acid 8.5公克/g

金椿 金花小菓 茶花籽油

NT$1,200 Regular Price
NT$1,150Sale Price
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