紅花大菓~茶花籽油(高樹大籽) 500ml
Extra Virgin Camellia Oleifera Oil
成份: 大菓種油茶菓實天然壓榨而成
This golden oil of new century is health and delicious. Its smoke point is above Celsius 223 degrees. It is particular fit Asians cooking requirement because it‘s high stability.
保存方法: 避免陽光直射或放置爐邊。
用途(英文): Suitable for fried, boiled and sautéed etc.
營養標示 Nutrition Labeling 每100毫升(per 100ml) 熱量/Calories 900大卡/Kcal 蛋白質/Protein 0公克/g 脂肪/Fat 100公克/g 飽和脂肪/Saturated Fat 10.5公克/g 反式脂肪/Trans Fat 0公克/g 碳水化合物/Carbohydrate 0公克/g 鈉/Sodium 0毫克/mg 糖/Sugar 0公克/g 單元不飽和脂肪酸/Mono Unsaturated Fatty Acid 80.2公克/g 多元不飽和脂肪酸/Poly Unsaturated Fatty Acid 9.3公克/g
金椿 紅花大菓 茶花籽油
NT$750 Regular Price
NT$700Sale Price